
We are back! 

After a way too long hiatus, Wiregrass Genealogy returns.  For those that have previously visited, we have a new look.  For those that are new to wiregrassgenealogy.com, we present to you; “Wiregrass genealogy by Wiregrass descendants.”  We are a small group of resolute Wiregrass descendants who donate our time and expertise to aid other’s research for their Wiregrass ancestors.  

This site includes pioneer sketches, church meeting minutes, cemetery surveys, periodicals, helpful links and more.  Our most outstanding feature may be our interactive resource “The Forum.” Our Forum is moderated and administered by our senior contributors. These senior members have decades of genealogy research and possess a great deal of knowledge of the Wiregrass area.  To prevent spam flooding this resource, we ask those that wish to participate in the interactive blogs kindly submit the “Request for Forum Access” form.  Just follow the instructions!

This resource will continually evolve so return often. Consider becoming a contributor by submitting sketches or surveys. We believe genealogical records should be well documented and most of all, free of charge.

Finally, we are pleased you are here.

30 Dec 2024 – A new feature has been added to the website. mywiregrassancestors page has been added. This is a database of over 4000 names most with dates, some with biographies, many with notes added over a period of 25 years. Indexes with surnames and given names plus a sources index. This database will be updated periodically.