Some Wiregrass Ancestors and More


Hester Crews

      Sex: F

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 1827 - Georgia

         Father: Alexander Crews
         Mother: Sarah Jones 220

Hester C Crews
Florida, Duval, Florida

picture Honor Civility Crews

      Sex: F

Individual Information
     Birth Date: Sep 1864 92

         Father: Archibald Graham Crews
         Mother: Honor Civility Bradley

Ira Crews

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 18 Nov 1895
          Death: 28 Nov 1975 -  ( at age 80)

         Father: James Ransom Crews
         Mother: Martha Hendrix 276

Spouses and Children

Isaac Crews

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 1860 - South Carolina

         Father: Isaac M. Crews
         Mother: Elizabeth Horton

Isaac Crews

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: Between 1770 and 1780 277
          Death: Between 1833 and 1840

Spouses and Children
1. *Christiana Bessent
       Marriage: Bef 1810 - Camden County, Georgia
                1. Sarah Ann Crews
                2. Isaac M. Crews

Isaac Crews

Isaac has long been an interesting subject to this genealogist as we share a common surname and he resided in Camden County, Georgia where some of my ancestors are later found. Isaac can be found in Camden during the early 1790s when the population of was 305 souls (70 were slaves),
I believe he came to Camden Co. about 1792. He is one of two Crews that resided in Camden during this period; the other being John Crews (no relation). I am not sure where Isaac was born but I am guessing South Carolina or perhaps North Carolina.

Isaac was a married man as well as a father to at least four children. His bride was Christiana (Ann) Bessent, was from a prominent family in Camden. Her parents appear to be Abraham and Ann Bessent. Abraham was one of the Justices in Camden Superior Court (1811-1814); the same court that Isaac served as the County Clerk Isaac Crews and Abraham's grandson John, were appointed as administrators of the Bessent estate after Abraham's 1814 demise.

The marriage of Isaac and Ann must have taken place in Camden before 1810 as the eldest known child of this union, Sarah Ann, was born 15 Nov 1810 in St Marys, Georgia. There is also another known child; a son, Isaac M. He was listed as a "Sea Captain" in the 1870 Census for Charleston SC and his age at this time inicates he was born about 1820.

Based on the 1820 Census for Camden there are two additional male children, born between 1810-1820; names are currently unknown. There is an approximate 10 year gap between Sara and Isaac Jr, so their must be at least two if not more additional children.

Sara Ann married Colonel John Cooper Pelot (marriage record states Potale) 8 May 1829 in Camden.
(unknown male)
(unknown male)
Isaac Jr married Elizabeth Horton.

Based on the 1830 Camden County Census, Isaac and Ann were born before 1775.

Many records of Isaac's time in Camden County still exist over 200 years later. This author will list all found to date in chronological order.

Private Ga Tr of M Dragoons Nov 3 1794 to Dec 1 1794
Corporal Ga Tr of M Dragoons 1 Dec 1794 to Dec 31 1794

Isaac a juror on Camden County Grand Jury Term Sept 1797.

Isaac is listed as "Receiver of Tax Returns Camden County July 10, 1799 in the "Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser July 23, 1799

Isaac was appointed Postmaster in St Marys and served from 1800- through the end of 1803.

Camden County Deed books have many entries with Isaac's unquie florish signature from Dec 5, 1797-1818 as Clerk of Court. Isaac Crews was proclaimed Clerk of Superior and Inferior Courts for Camden County, GA on Monday Nov. 6, 1797. "Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. volume (Savannah [Ga.]) 1796-181?, November 14, 1797, Page 324, Image 2"

Voted 3 Oct 1803 in the Georgia State Elections as a resident of Camden County.

The County Seat of Camden County was moved by voters from St Patricks (est Feb 1787) to St Marys (December 1792) to a third location "at the or near the center of the county" Jefferson was established in November 1800 by the Georgia Legislature.

Isaac Crews buys lot #6 in Jefferson from William Jones (Deed Book G, pg 372) during 1804 and when the first Post Office was established in Jeffersonton, as it was later called, in 1815, Isaac became the first Postmaster. (Camden's Challenge pg 5)

2 May 1804 Lt 31st District GA Militia. pg 884 HGS. Capt in 1806 of the same District (CC) likely through 1825. Benjamin Hawkins was named Capt in 1826.

Escheator 1806 Camden Co. (The term is often now applied to the transfer of the title to a person's property to the state when the person dies intestate without any other person capable of taking the property as heir.)

5 Sept 1806 Capt District #31 Satilla Bluff

Eligible for 1806 Land Lottery draw

Isaac was Commisioner of Roads for Camden as noted in a letter to David Lang 15 Aug 1807.

Isaac was a militia Capt during the 1809 tax period. His taxation area was listed as Capt Crews District and listed the taxpayers in that area. Isaac pays tax on one poll, 2 slaves, and property of $400. "History of St Marys and Camden County" newspaper article written by Isaac F. Arnow and published by the Camden County Tribune Friday Jan 11, 1952.

He ran a boarding house in St. Mary's, GA which was advertised in the Augusta Chronicle about 1812.

Isaac was mentioned in the Augusta Chronicle Friday Jan 28, 1813 edition as conducting a sale to Tax Liens on the first Tuesday in Nov 1813 at Jefferson.

Notary Public in Camden County 1814

By Isaac Crews clerk of the ordinary for the county of Camden and state aforesaid. Whereeas, Isaac Crews and John Bessent applies for letters of administration on the estate and effects of Abraham Bessent, late of St. Mary's esq. deceased. These are therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to file their objections (if any they have) in my office on or before the first Monday of November next, otherwise letters of administration i will be granted to them.
Given under my hand and seal at Jefferson, this third day of October, one thousand eight hundred and fourteen. ISAAC CREWS, clerk" (The Republican and Savannah Evening Ledger October 13, 1814)

He was listed again as postmaster in 1815 in Jefferson, the new county seat. "History of St Marys and Camden County" newspaper article written by Isaac F. Arnow and published by the Camden County Tribune Friday Aug 1, 1952.

Headright & Bounty Plat - Isaac Crews and wife Christiana sell land to John Bailey, 1815 Camden Co, GA 123 acres northside of the Great Satilla River.

Isaac posted notice on 15 Jan 1815 as Clerk of the Superior Court of Camden County, as the invading British drew near the coast, that all records of his office will be removed. He was said to have taken all these records home. The records were not returned to the County Offices until an official account of the ratification of the Treaty Of Peace was received.

Headright land requested for Isaac 2 Oct 1815 by Camden County. Surveyor directed to lay-out 130 aces.

Isaac Crews and wife Christiana sell land to Donald Tompkins, all of Camden. The deed was dated 6 Nov 1818, for town lot #7 in Jefferson.

Sheriff's Sale.
On the first Tuesday in May next,
Will be sold at the Court-house in Jefferson, Camden county, between the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock…
…Darke Entry tract of LAND, containing Four Thousand Acres, more or less, bounded South by the main post road, West by Joseph Holder and Shipworth's land, North by Martha Delony's, East by lands of Boog, Kelly and J. H. McIntosh, pointed out by the defendant Garett Demott, to satisfy sundry executions in favor of Samuel Clark, Isaac Crews and others. Terms of sale-cash Mar 25th, 1820
Wm. Lang S. C. C.
(The Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) April 14th, 1820)

Isaac was enumerated in 1820 in Camden County, GA. In his household there are: 3 males 10 or under, 7 males 27-45, 1 female 11-14, and 1 female 46 or older. 2 male slaves were also enumerated in the household. This must have been his family and the occupants of a boarding house he was said to own and operate in St Marys. He advertised "accomodations in St Marys for the traveling public" in the Savannah newspaper for consecutive months in 1819.

Another note from the 1820 census is the individual enumerated immediately before Isaac, J.H. McIntosh. Mr McIntosh's entry included a large family and over 200 slaves. This plantation, known as New Caanan is located north of St Marys and just west of the current Kings Bay Submarine Base. The "tabby" ruins of the plantation's sugar mill lies just across the highway from the Main Gate of the Base to this day.

List of the Fortunate Drawers in the Land Lottery (1820) up to 4th Oct; Camden - I Crews. Augusta Chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, November 11, 1820, Image 3

As printed in the Georgian for the country - May 9, 1822 newspaper, Isaac was the subject in a couple of "Sheriff's Sales"

"On the first Saturday after the first Tuesday in May next, will be sold at the Market House, in the town of St. Mary's, between the usual hours of ten and three o'clock, the following property, vis. Part of Lot No. 3 three, in said town, measuring eighty six feet in front in Osborn street, and two hundred feet back; levied on as the properly of Isaac Crews, to satisfy an execution in favor of A. Low & Co. vs. Crews and Bessent. Also, a negro fellow named Dola levied on as the property of Isaac Crews, to satisfy the above-named execution; property pointed out by Isaac Crews.
Mary's, Camden County April 6, 1822. JAMES WILLIAMS, s. c. c

… a house and lot in Osborn-street, situated and joining the property of Ray Sands on the south, and on the north by property of Mrs. Mork. levied on as the property of Isaac Crews, to satisfy an execution on a foreclosure of a mortgage, in favor of William Sinclair.
St. Mary's, April 6, 1822. GEORGE LONG, d. s. c, c."

Isaac was enumerated in 1830 in Camden County, GA; 1 male 10-15 and 1 male 50-60. This would indicate Isaac was born between 1770-1780 (closer to the 1770 date, one would think considering his various positions within Camden County). A female under 5 and 1 female 40-50. The elder female likely is wife Christiana.

1832 Gold Lottery

Neither Isaac nor Christiana were enumerated in Camden in the 1840 census. I have not found the couple elsewhere in Georgia nor Florida. I believe it is a safe assumption both passed away before this census. Their final resting place is yet to be discovered.

"Camden's Challenge, A History of Camden County, Georgia" Camden County Historical Commission Publisher 1976

Sampling of deeds recorded by Isaac Crews
F 160-162: 22 May 1804. Deed of negro slaves. Ray Sands, grantor, of Cumberland Island, Camden County, Georgia to Samuel W. Greene, grantee, of Providence, Rhode
Island on behalf of Martha W. Nightingale of Cumberland Island, Georgia. For in
consideration of $8,300.00 for slaves, twenty-five in number: males: Jim, Cudjo,
Frederic, Will, Fama, Frank, Tamba; females: Violet, Jubey, Synah, Sally, Mary,
Durah, Lydia, Mauma, Yarmah, Commissa; boys: Quash, Christopher, Mobita,
Duba, Cooley and infant boy of previously listed Violet and Jim (not named); girls:
Commissa and Coomiba. Signed by Ray Sands. Witnessed by William Naylor and George Atkinson. Recorded by Isaac Crews on 24 May 1804.
F 163-164: 23 May 1804. Deed of negro slaves. Jno. C. Nightingale and his wife Martha, grantors, of Cumberland Island, Camden County, Georgia to William Belcher,
grantee, of Boston, Massachusetts. For in consideration of $9,770.00 for slaves, twentyfive in number: males: Jim, Cudjoe, Frederick, Will, Fama, Frank, Tomba; females:
Violet, Juba, Sina, Sally, Mary, Dura, Lydia, Mauma, Yama, Commissa; boys:
Quash, Christopher, Mobita, Duba, Coolay and infant boy of previously listed Violet
and Jim (not named); girls: Commissa and Coomba. Signed by Martha W.
Nightingale. Witnessed by William Johnston and William Naylor. Recorded by Isaac Crews on 24 May 1804
F 411-412: 10 January 1806. Deed of negro slave. James McGirth, grantor, of Camden County, Georgia to John Oaks, grantee, of Camden County, Georgia. For in
consideration of $100.00 for to Sarah, about 45 years old. Signed by James McGirth. Witnessed by Jos. Crews and Isaac Crews. Recorded by Isaac Crews on 23 June 1806
H 184-187: 24 April 1810. Division of property per the will of General Nathanael Greene. To Catharine Miller, Dungeness and the following slaves:
To Martha W. Nightengale, The Springs and the following slaves:
To Nathanael R. Greene, Crooked Creek and the following slaves:
Signed by Catharine Miller; Ray Sands, attorney for Martha Washington Nightengale, Cornelia L. Skipwith, Nathanael R. Greene, Louisa C. Greene.
Witnessed by Phebe R. Paine, Samuel B. Packman, R. McGillis. Recorded by Isaac Crews on 26 April 1810.
H 337: 12 January 1811. Deed of gift of negro slave. William Cone, Sr., grantor, of Camden County, Georgia to his grandson Jessey Hagin, grantee, son of John Hagin,
of Camden County, Georgia. For in consideration of "love and affection" for grantee, for
slave Phebe, about 2 years old. Signed by William Cone, Sr. Witnessed by Isaac Crews and John Crews. Recorded by Isaac Crews on 11 February 1811.
I 126: 14 October 1813. Deed of gift of negro slaves. Rubin Hogans, grantor, of Camden County to Charles Hogans, grantee. For in consideration of "love and
affection" for grantee for slaves Theodore, about 19 years old; Primus, about 20 years
old; his wife Silvey, about 25 years old; Dolly, about 10 years old; Nancy, about 4
years old. Signed by Rubin Hogans. Witnessed by Jno. Gorman and David
Tompkins. Recorded by Isaac Crews on 04 November 1813.
I 126: 14 October 1813. Deed of gift of negro slaves. Rubin Hogans, grantor, of
Camden County to Charles Hogans, grantee. For in consideration of "love and
affection" for grantee for slaves Bob, about 35 years old; his wife Pussy, about 30 years old; Philis, about 7 years old; Tony, abou
I 186-187: 08 August 1807. Deed of negro slaves. Sarah Wright, grantor, of Beaufort,
South Carolina to Charles Floyd, grantee, of Camden County, Georgia. For in consideration of $2,000.00 for slaves Grace, Abel, Eve, Amarinta, Dick, Hagar and
September. Signed by Sarah Wright. Witnessed by William Hazzard and Eliza
Hazzard. Recorded by Isaac Crews on 24 October 1814.

picture Isaac M. Crews

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: Abt 1820 - St Marys, Camden County, Georgia

         Father: Isaac Crews
         Mother: Christiana Bessent

Spouses and Children
1. *Elizabeth Horton
                1. Percy A. Crews
                2. Edmund Crews
                3. Isaac Crews

Sea Captain

Name:Isaac Crews
Age in 1870:50
Birth Year:abt 1820
Home in 1870:Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina
Post Office:Charleston
Value of real estate:View image
Household Members:
Isaac Crews50
Maria Crews40
Edmund Crews14
Isaac Crews10
Gezerial Bulkon35
Edwin Bulkon9
Charles Bulkon7
Year: 1870; Census Place: Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina; Roll: M593_1487; Page: 339A; Image: 29; Family History Library

NamePercy A. Crews
Event Date03 Mar 1935
Event PlaceJacksonville Beach, Duval, Florida
Race (Original)White
Age (Original)86y
Birth Date04 Jul 1849
BirthplaceCharleston, Sc
Marital StatusWidowed
Spouse's NameAlice Crews
Father's NameIsac M. Crews
Father's BirthplaceSt. Marys, Ga
Mother's NameElizabeth Horton

picture Isabelle Crews

      Sex: F

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 3 Dec 1851 - Wayne County, Georgia
          Death: 8 Oct 1921 - Sapp, Baker County, Georgia ( at age 69)
         Burial: in Swift Creek Cemetery, Lake Butler, Union County, Florida

         Father: Archibald Crews
         Mother: Lucretia Purdom

Spouses and Children
1. *Silas David Johns
       Marriage: 9 Sep 1869

Isham Crews

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 1785 - Charleston District, South Carolina
          Death: Bef 1850 - Wayne County, GA

Spouses and Children
1. *Mary Johnson 231 
       Marriage: Abt 1812 - South Carolina
                1. Lewis Crews
                2. Jeremiah Frances Crews
                3. Susan Crews
                4. John Jackson Crews
                5. Mary Ann Crews
                6. Bartley Crews
                7. Isham Crews

ID: I24962
Name: Isham Crews
Reference Number: Dee Dee Tow
Sex: M
Birth: 1785 in Charleston Dist. (Now Colleton Dist. SC)
Birth: 1785 in Colleton Dist. SC
Death: in GA
Event: Family Bible Record HuxfordGeneSoctMagz Vol XXX No 1
_UID: 2C0E0E5D62E64E259E86D7EFFDAA236276CB

Name:Isham Crews
Rank - Induction: PRIVATE
Rank - Discharge: PRIVATE
Roll Box: 49
Microfilm Publication: M602
Direct Data Capture, comp. U.S., War of 1812 Service Records, 1812-1815 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 1999.
Original data: National Archives and Records Administration. Index to the Compiled Military Service Records for the Volunteer Soldiers Who Served During the War of 1812. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration. M602, 234 rolls.

Crews, Isham, Private
Crews, Samuel, Private

Isham appears to have relocated to Wayne County, Georgia after the 1820 birth of daughter Susan and before son John (Jack) was born (1822)

Based on Folks Huxford's findings (i.e. Daughter Susan married James Crews, her 1st cousin) Isham is a brother to Alexander Crews, Sr.

NameIsham Crews
EnlistmentBetween 1812 and 1815
Rank at enlistmentPrivate
Service South Carolina, United States
RegimentJuhan's Battalion, South Carolina Militia
ConflictWar of 1812
Rank at dischargePrivate
National Archives Identifier71046423

Name:Isham Crews
Home in 1830 (City, County, State):Wayne, Georgia
Free White Persons - Males - Under 5: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 14: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 30 thru 39: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 5 thru 9: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 14: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 15 thru 19: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 30 thru 39: 1
Free White Persons - Under 20: 6
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 2
Total Free White Persons: 8
Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored):8

Source Citation: 1830 US Census; Census Place: , Wayne, Georgia; Page: 282; NARA Series: M19; Roll Number: 21; Family History Film: 0007041.

Name:Isham Crewes
Home in 1840 (City, County, State):District 335, Wayne, Georgia
Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 14: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 15 thru 19: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 20 thru 29: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 40 thru 49 :1
Free White Persons - Females - 15 thru 19:1
Free White Persons - Females - 40 thru 49:1
Persons Employed in Agriculture: 3
No. White Persons over 20 Who Cannot Read and Write:2
Free White Persons - Under 20: 4
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 3
Total Free White Persons: 7
Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves:7

Source Citation: Year: 1840; Census Place: District 335, Wayne, Georgia; Roll: 53; Page: 242; Image: 498; Family History Library Film: 0007048.

Name:Mary Crews
[Mary Johson Crews]
[Mrs. Mary Crews]
Birth Year: abt 1800
Birthplace: South Carolina
Home in 1850:Division 92, Wayne, Georgia
Gender: Female
Family Number: 78
Household Members:
Name Age
Mary Crews 50
Bartley Crews22
Isham Crews 19
Source Citation: Year: 1850; Census Place: Division 92, Wayne, Georgia; Roll: M432_87; Page: 280B; Image: 162.

Name:Mary Crews
Age in 1860:65
Birth Year:abt 1795
Birthplace:South Carolina
Home in 1860:Wayne, Georgia
Post Office:Waynesville
Value of real estate:View image
Household Members:
James Johns 35
Kesiah Johns35
Seaborn Johns12
Sylvester Johns11
James Johns 9
Lucinda Johns 8
Keziah Johns 5
Franklin Johns 3
Mary Johns 1
Mary Crews 65
Source Citation: Year: 1860; Census Place: , Wayne, Georgia; Roll: M653_140; Page: 350; Image: 350; Family History Library Film: 803140.

DIFFERENT ISHAM? (son of Joseph Sr?)

Name:Isham Crews
Home in 1840 (City, County, State):District 719, Ware, Georgia
Free White Persons - Males - Under 5: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 30 thru 39: 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 5:1
Free White Persons - Females - 5 thru 9:2
Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29:1
Persons Employed in Agriculture: 1
No. White Persons over 20 Who Cannot Read and Write:1
Free White Persons - Under 20: 4
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 2
Total Free White Persons: 6
Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves:6

Source Citation: Year: 1840; Census Place: District 719, Ware, Georgia; Roll: 52; Page: 133; Image: 274; Family History Library Film: 0007048.

Served as a private in Captain North's Militia Company for a 25 day period between 5 Apr 1842 to 20 Apr 1842. This mounted militia patroled the area around Blount's Ferry near the end of the 2nd Florida War.
"History of Ware County, pg 234"

Name:Isham Crews
Issue Date:1 May 1855
Accession Number:FL0380__.226
Metes and Bounds:No
Land Office:Newnansville
US Reservations:No
Mineral Reservations:No
Authority:April 24, 1820: Sale-Cash Entry (3 Stat. 566)
Document Number:2668

Name:Isham Crews
Issue Date:1 May 1855
Accession Number:FL0380__.226
Metes and Bounds:No
Land Office:Newnansville
US Reservations:No
Mineral Reservations:No
Authority:April 24, 1820: Sale-Cash Entry (3 Stat. 566)
Document Number:2668 U.S. General Land Office Records, 1796-1907 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2008.
Original data: United States. Bureau of Land Management, General Land Office Records. Automated Records Project; Federal Land Patents, State Volumes. Springfield, Virginia: Bureau of Land Management, Eastern States, 2007.

Age in 1860: 58
Birth Year: abt 1802
Birthplace:South Carolina
Home in 1860: Hillsborough, Florida
Gender: Male
Post Office: Tampa
Value of real estate:View image
Household Members:
Name Age
Isham Crews58
Elisabeth Crews 42
Penelopy Crews21
Berry Crews 20
Mary Crews18
Joshua Crews 16
Jefferson Crews7

picture Isham Crews

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 1837 - Georgia

         Father: Joseph Crews
         Mother: Jeanette

Isham Crews

      Sex: M

Individual Information
     Birth Date: 17 Apr 1869
          Death: 5 Aug 1938 - New Zion Cemetery, Ona, Hardee County, Florida ( at age 69)

         Father: Dempsey Dubois Crews
         Mother: Mahala Molcy Hair

Spouses and Children
1. *Mary A.

Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed January 3, 2025), memorial page for Isham Crews (17 Jul 1869\endash 5 Aug 1938), Find a Grave Memorial ID 27070452, citing New Zion Cemetery, Ona, Hardee County, Florida, USA; Maintained by Donna McPherson (contributor 46906329).

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